Daily Links Archives: January, 2007

The Wall Street Journal's "Interest-Rate Outlook Adds Luster to Cash" discusses the sudden shift towards cash among financial planners and investors.

Fundr2.com (Fund R Squared) is fund commentator and analyst Max Rottersman's latest undertaking. Max's forte's include fund expenses, valuing fund businesses and philosophising.

The Federal Reserve Board's "Commerical Paper Outstanding" web page shows CP totals (the NSA Total, non-seasonally adjusted) breaking $2 trillion for the first time ever on Tuesday.

Federated Investors Prepares Release of Q4 Earnings. With money fund assets up $190 billion, or 10.6% in the quarter, and Federated's assets up 13.2%, over 17 billion (Crane Data estimate), the stock should look good.

The California Association of County Treasurers and Tax Collectors (CACTTC) lists a host of major cash investors, info on their annual conference, and associate members.

The American Securitization Forum just announced that its 2008 industry conference (Feb. 3-6, 2008) will also be held at The Venetian in Las Vegas. ASF2007, which is expecting over 6,000 (with lots of ABCP people and money fund managers), will be held January 28-31.

Newsletter writer Bernie Schaeffer notes the surge in assets of `Fidelity Select Money Market Fund, calling it a bullish sign for the markets. FSLXX has climbed to No. 2 in our daily rankings.

The Harford Courant writes "Use Caution In Investing Money For Down Payment" and recommends money markets.

The Reserve put out a press release this week with comments from founder Bruce Bent on money funds' recent jump to record levels.

San Francisco Chronicle writes "Put your money to work" and discusses money funds and bank savings (though conspicuously omits http://www.cranedata.us!).

While BlackRock had launched a new website at http://www.blackrock.com following their Merrill Lynch AM takeover, the new look and feel has finally spread to the Daily yields area of BlackRock Liquidity.

"Cash has flash, but can sour on sidelines" says The Globe and Mail (Canada). The article talks about funds' and investors' cash holdings, and about Canadian money funds (briefly).

In honor of MLK Day, we feature money fund trading platform Capital Networks Inc., the only portal "Certified Minority Business Enterprise by the National Minority Supplier Development Council www.nmsdc.org".

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)'s Fed Funds Futures show that the odds of a Fed rate cut have dropped to almost nothing in the first half of 2007. Markets show a 12% chance of a cut in June and expect just a 1/4-point cut in the second half of 2007.

We'd like to Welcome and Thank our latest Money Fund Intelligence advertising partner, American Beacon Advisors, "Fixed Income Strategies for your investment needs".

We noticed some web traffic coming from FundAlarm, which has some discussion board posts on money fund rates (and links to http://www.cranedata.us), so we thought we'd return the favor by making them our "Link of the Day".

Tom Petruno's LA Times article, "For bonds, middle came in last" says "the only smart place to be in the near term probably would be money market funds."

"Soft Landing May Cut Returns on Cash" says an article in Sunday's WSJ. "Stay short, be happy," has been the cash mantra, but the party may end in 2007 says the piece.

Lipper HedgeWorld writes "Diversified Repos Enhance Hedge Fund Cash Returns" and quotes The Reserve saying hedge funds are buying money funds big-time.

The New York Cash Exchange is May 30 to June 1 at the NY Hilton. Visit the Treasury Management Association of New York's site for details, and attend our money fund workshop and "portal" panels.

See Peter Crane's latest MarketWatch article, "Money Market Funds Are Kings of Cash".

Vanguard ran a huge ad in the new Wall Street Journal Tuesday telling investors to "Keep more of what's yours" and directing them to a new money fund page complete with podcast (linked above).

Visit Crane Data's Money Fund Links and Resources Page. We list links to almost every money fund family, links to all the online money fund trading portals, and links to a host of useful resources for money fund professionals, investors, and servicers.

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