In the next few weeks there are several webinars on the subject of money market funds. The first is the 2014 AFP Liquidity Survey Companion Webinar, which features Crane Data President Peter Crane and is scheduled for Tuesday, August 26, from 3:00pm–4:00pm EDT. The Liquidity Survey is an annual publication from the Association of Financial Professionals. We covered the findings of the 2014 edition in our July 15 news story. "Corporate treasurers and CFOs continue to build their organizations' cash, but some are wary of investing that cash in money market funds due to low yields and the threat of reforms, according to the Association for Financial Professionals' "2014 AFP Liquidity Survey," we wrote, about a week before the reforms were adopted. The webinar will take a deep dive into the numbers and explore the possible impacts of the reforms, now that they are a reality. The panel of speakers includes Thomas Hunt, Director of Treasury Services, Association for Financial Professionals, our own Peter Crane, and Matthew Richardson, Head of Product Solutions, RBS Bank. It's free to AFP members and $50 for non-members. Next is a webinar on the SEC's money market reforms, presented by law firm Pepper Hamilton LLP and the West Legal Ed Center on September 9 from 12:00pm–1:00pm EDT. "This engaging webcast will delve into: understanding the new regulations and what this means for fund managers; how and why the SEC adopted; analysis and prospectus on the possible impact in the near term and long term." Speakers are Gregory Nowak, partner, Pepper Hamilton, and John Falco, associate, Pepper Hamilton. Here's a link with more information and direction on how to register. The cost is $97.50 after 50% Pepper discount using promotional code PHMMF50 -- CLE is available. Finally, the Mutual Fund Directors Forum is hosting a webinar on September 17 from 2:00pm–3:00pm. It's on what mutual fund company boards of directors need to know about money market fund reform and features Joan Swirsky, a partner with Stradley Ronon. "The new rules will also allow the boards of all money market funds to impose liquidity fees and redemption gates to address the risk of runs. Joan Swirsky, a partner with Stradley Ronon, will explain the added obligations the new rule amendments will place on fund boards." The webinar is free to members and $100 for non-members.

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