CFO Magazine writes "Weighing Your Next Move", which is subtitled, "Rock-bottom interest rates and new regulation call for a reexamination of short-term cash investments." It says, "Moving corporate cash to boost returns by a basis point or two could earn a CFO or treasurer a well-deserved dressing-down. But that doesn't mean that finance executives who manage growing pools of idle cash can stand pat with their current investing strategies. Safety and liquidity require constant vigilance -- maybe even more so this year. Big changes on the regulatory front, for example, could affect the returns of money-market funds and create opportunities for corporate investors to earn a bump in yield. And the Fed's market support is slowly ending, which may force companies to reposition money to maintain a government guarantee on cash accounts." The piece also says, "Money funds suit treasurers who don't want the hassle of doing instrument-level credit research and administration, says Peter Yi, director of money markets in the fixed-income group at Northern Trust." It adds, "Performance outliers among money funds also deserve a close look, says William Dombek, a managing director in The Bank of New York Mellon's financial markets and treasury services division."