SVB Financial Group writes "No Risk vs. Know Risk" in its largest "Observation Deck newsletter. President Adam Dean writes, "Uncertainty in capital markets has made some firms (and boards) opt to forbid investing any of their precious cash in securities that have credit risk. Even fixed-income issuers and money funds with well-understood and transparent risk profiles, both before and after the credit crisis, have been categorized by some as unacceptable or 'unknowable' risks as a result. With government money funds, short-term treasury and government-backed agencies perilously close to zero yield now and in the near future, the time has come to reassess that approach.... Instead of saying 'no risk,' we argue that the better approach going forward is to actually know your risk." Dean says to, "Utilize a credit research team focused solely on corporate cash," and that, "A credit team's job doesn't end at money funds." In other news, see "Transamerica Asset Management Group Launches New Institutional Share Class"."