Preparations are being made for our 2nd annual Crane's European Money Fund Symposium, which will be held Sept. 22-23, 2014 at the Hilton London Tower Bridge in London, England. Crane Data has attracted 20 sponsors for the event so far, and we expect our second "offshore" money fund conference to again be the largest gathering of money fund professionals outside the U.S. European Money Fund Symposium features an unmatched speaking faculty, including many of the world's foremost authorities on money funds in Europe and worldwide. We review the latest conference agenda and details below. (Visit to register, or contact us to request the PDF brochure or for more details.)

President Peter Crane comments, "Crane Data's first European event, held last September in Dublin, attracted 100 attendees, sponsors and speakers, and our latest U.S. Money Fund Symposium attracted almost 500. We expect our London event to be even bigger and better than Dublin. European Money Fund Symposium offers "offshore" money market portfolio managers and professionals, investors, issuers, dealers, regulators and service providers a concentrated and affordable educational experience, as well as an excellent and informal networking venue. Our mission is to deliver great conference content at an affordable price. With the recent passage of the SEC's Money Fund Reforms and pending regulatory changes in Europe, we expect that there will be a lot to talk about."

The Day One morning Agenda for Crane's European Money Fund Symposium includes: "State of MMFs in Europe & IMMFA Update" with Jonathan Curry, Chairman, IMMFA and Susan Hindle Barone, Secretary General, IMMFA; "Regulations in Europe: Bullet Dodged?" with Dan Morrissey of William Fry and Paul Wilson of SWIP; "Senior Portfolio Manager Perspectives," moderated by Yaron Ernst of Moody's Investor's Service and featuring Debbie Cunningham of Federated Investors, Joe McConnell of J.P. Morgan Asset Mgmt, and Jennifer Gillespie of Legal & General I.M.

The afternoon of Sept. 22 features: "MM Securities: New Sources of Supply," moderated by Laurie Brignac of Invesco and featuring Kieran Davis of Barclays, David Hynes of Northcross Capital LLP, and Jean-Luc Sinniger of Citi Global Markets; "Portals, Transparency & Investor Issues," with Greg Fortuna of State Street's Fund Connect, Justin Meadows of MyTreasury, and Maryum Malik of SunGard; "Accounting and Floating NAV Issues" with Sarah Murphy and Ken Owens of PwC Dublin; and an "Ireland & IFIA Update" with Kevin Murphy of Arthur Cox.

The Day Two Agenda includes: "MM Strategists Speak: Rates, Regulations, Risks" with Giuseppe Maraffino of Barclays and Vikram Rai of Citi; "Distribution: Major Issues & Client Concerns moderated by Peter Crane with Jim Fuell of J.P. Morgan A.M., Kathleen Hughes of Goldman Sachs A.M., and Kevin Thompson of SSgA; "Recent Ratings Research: Trends & Issues" with Yaron Ernst of Moody's; "State of US Money Funds & Rule 2a-7" with Charlie Cardona of BNY Mellon Cash Investment Strategies, Jane Heinrichs of the Investment Company Institute, and John Hunt of Nutter, McClennen & Fish; "Euro & Sterling MMF Issues" with David Callahan of Lombard Odier I.M. and Dennis Gepp of Federated Investors (UK) LLP; "Beyond MMFs: Enhanced Cash Strategies" with James Finch of UBS Global Asset Mgmt, Jason Granet of Goldman Sachs A.M., and Guyna Johnson of Standard & Poor's; "MMFs in Asia & Emerging Markets" with Peter Crane of Crane Data and Andrew Paranthoiene of Standard & Poor's; and "Offshore Money Fund Data & Statistics with Crane and Aymeric Poizot of Fitch Ratings.

Sponsors of the event and exhibitors to date include: HSBC Global Asset Management, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Moody's Investors Service, BofA Global Capital Management, Federated Investors, Standard & Poor's, State Street Global Advisors, BNY Mellon Liquidity Funds, Cachematrix, Invesco, R.P. Martin, MyTreasury, Northcross Capital, Nutter, McClennen & Fish, UBS, Treasury Management International, and Treasury Today. Registration for the 2014 Crane's European Money Fund Symposium is $1,500 (or 900 GBP), and registrations are still being accepted. A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at The Hilton London Tower Bridge, and the conference negotiated rate of L261 (GBP) single and L272 (GBP) double are available through August 20th. (Please reserve soon as the hotel is sold out outside of our block and won't guarantee the rate beyond Aug. 20.) We hope to see you next month in London!

Crane Data publishes Money Fund Intelligence and produces the largest annual gathering of money market professionals in the world, Crane's Money Fund Symposium. (We had 495 this past June in Boston.) Our next U.S. Symposium is scheduled for June 24-26, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minn., and our next "basic training" event, Money Fund University is scheduled for January 22-23, 2015, in Stamford, Conn. Note: Our 2015 European Money Fund Symposium is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 21-22 in Dublin, Ireland, so mark your calendars.

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