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q2 Q2 earnings conference call www.federatedinvestors.com FII about aboutFederated.do see transcript here seekingalpha.com article 2343615 federated
Q2. At the end of June Fitch rated prime MMFs had on average 25 and 39 of their
Q2 2014. Household shares decreased by 42.2 billion in the 1st quarter. They rose by 21.3 billion
Q2 2014 the decision to switch to a Reverse Distribution Mechanism could extend to its larger
Q2 14 . The latest data show worldwide money market mutual fund assets dropping by 57 billion
Q2 of 2014 . The 6th largest money fund country saw assets jump again. China now reports
Q2 would be around 24 million. Looking forward we estimate that gaining 10 basis points
Q2 the Fed further indicated that it plans to offer at least 200bn in two term
Q2 levels would likely reduce the impacts of yield waivers by about 40 and a 25 basis
q2 2015 results earnings call transcript said the company had succeeded in its goal of shedding
Q2 with 34 of assets invested in overnight securities on average up from an already
MFs Plunge Ireland s money market fund industry has grown by 4 percent this year
Q2 while USD funds were relatively stable. We also write in MFI s News briefs
Q2. The most recent market data shows that in August and beginning of September WAMs
Q2 2015. Household shares decreased by 19.4 billion in the 2nd quarter after dropping 71.2 billion
q2_15 data collection which shows that global money market mutual fund assets increased in the Second
Q2 2015 . Federated saw a revenue increase in the quarter due primarily due to a decrease
Q2. Globally MMF assets increased by 107.5 billion or 2.2 over the past year through
Q2 added Vanessa Robert a Vice President Senior Credit Officer The credit profiles of European
Q2 and have decreased by 97 billion the past 12 months. Household assets hadn t fallen
q2_15 show Brazil with 33.6B down 10.5B and down 18.8B on the quarter
Q2 launch for the Private fund . He added We completed the transition of 930 million
Q2. Over the past 12 months through Dec. 31 2015 Household assets are down 64 billion
Q2 Q3 . They add Prime fund holdings of banks increased by 39bn month over month
Q2 to be about 6 million. An increase in yields of 25 basis points could
Q2 2016 www.moodys.com research Moodys US dollar denominated money market funds to see significant PR_347996 . It states
Q2. Over the past 12 months through March. 31 2016 Household assets are up 21.0 billion
q2 2016 results earnings call transcript part single . We review these reports as well as the ICI s latest
Q2 2016 compared to 41.8 million for Q2 2015 . Federated reported YTD 2016 EPS of 0.94 compared
Q2 2016 Earnings Conference Call seekingalpha.com article 3993290 federated investors fii ceo chris donahue q2 2016 results
Q2 equal to a 13.1 increase. Sterling money funds withstood the perfect storm as their
Q2 Agency and GSE Backed Securities up 105 billion Security Repurchase Agreements up 46 billion
q2_16 data collection recently. The latest report shows that total global money fund assets
Q2 which comments The Investment Company Institute released its latest Worldwide Mutual Fund Assets and Flows
q2_16 report which shows that bond fund assets globally increased by 980 12.5 billion
Q2 2016 . Average managed assets for Q3 2016 were 365.4 billion up 13.5 billion or 4 percent
Q2. China saw assets jump 32.5 billion up 5.1 in Q3 to 664.4 billion 13.2 of worldwide
Q2 and 80 billion in Q1 16. It adds According to Crane Data s analysis
Q2 and if there are further Fed rate increases these numbers should go immaterial level
Q2 16. Over the past 12 months through Dec. 31 Household assets are down 45 billion