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q2 Q2 numbers were adversely impacted by heightened interest rate sensitivity certain customers moving assets to 2006 Crane
Q2 surge with a 31 billion increase breaking above the 1.5 trillion level for the first
Q2 Federated Earnings Ride High on Money Fund Asset Surge in Q2 . Federated Investors www.federatedinvestors.com
Q2 Q3 Tot Chg Chg overall money fund assets. The entire release which Foreign deposits
Q2 earnings July 23 at the market close and will host a conference call Friday
"9 BlackRock Inc. www.blackrock.com reports results for the second quarter of 2009 this morning . We"
Q2 Federated Investors www.federatedinvestors.com the third largest manager of money market mutual funds with almost
Q2 Money fund assets declined by over 215 billion or 6.0 during the second quarter
Q2 09 money fund assets have still increased by 266 billion. Funding corporations up 105 billion
Q2 Says Fed s Z 1 Z.1. The Federal Reserve recently released its quarterly Z 1 Z.1 Flow
Q2 09. Households which account for 1.359 trillion or 40.4 of the 3.363 trillion tracked
Q2 2010 are expected to begin to decrease but could vary significantly based on market
com BlackRock www.blackrock.com announced that it will report results for the second quarter of 2010
fund fee waivers peaked in the first quarter of 2010 and began declining in Q2 .
Q2 . The company s release www.federatedinvestors.com sc link corphomepage templ about_us ut instcashman says
Q2 saw some relief in the impact from these waivers . As we expected repo rates
Q2 SIFMA s latest Research Quarterly for 2Q2010 www.sifma.org uploadedFiles Research ResearchReports 2010 CapitalMarkets_ResearchQuarterly_20100817_SIFMA.pdf in a 2 page
Q2 of 2010 . The household sector remains by far the largest holder of money fund
order to maintain positive or zero net yields decreased during Q3 2010 compared to Q2 2010.
Q2 France Portugal Fall www.cranedata.com archives all articles 3109 we wrote Australia ranks fifth with
Q2. New 2a 7 Maturity Quality Liquidity Restrictions Go Live. Oct. Nov Nov. PWG Releases
Q2. New 2a 7 Maturity Quality Liquidity Restrictions Go Live. Oct. Nov Nov. PWG Releases
Q2 earnings conference call www.investorcalendar.com IC CEPage.asp ID 165001 see Squam Lake Buffer Not Practical
Q2 2011 compared to 47.7 million for Q2 2010 Money market assets in both funds
al FallIn late October the Investment Company Institute www.ici.org updated its latest quarterly Worldwide Mutual
ys Fed Z1 The Household sector continues to be by far the largest owner of
Q2 while Irish assets increased by 15.3 billion or 3.2 . Luxembourg holds the fourth most
Q2 and our market share increased to over 9 . Growth in government money fund assets
Q2. The Investment Company Ins tute s latest Worldwide Mutual Fund Assets And Flows Second
Q2 2011 The FDIC will make a decision about whether bank reserves will be included
Q2 11 to Q1 12 foreign banks in the US increased repo fed funds borrowing
Q2 of 2013 . Crane Brokerage Cash Index 0.03 Money Fund 0.04 Notes Sweep rates for 100K
Q2 12 . France re mained the second largest market with 483 2 483. 2 billion
Q2. But these mings can change money market fund offerings in La n and have
q2 last week. It says Total U.S. retirement assets were 18.5 trillion as of June
al home InvestorRelations index.htm A press release entitled BlackRock to Report Second Quarter 2012 Earnings
Q2 12 . France remained the second largest market with 483.2 billion assets translated into U.S. dollars
Q2 2012 compared to 42.4 million for Q2 2011 . Federated s total managed assets were
q2 2012.aspx . Donahue says in his remarks On the regulatory front it has been reported
Q2 . But it might get pushed back further she adds. Cunningham doesn t think the FSOC