Crane Data is now making plans for its sixth annual ultra-short bond fund event, Bond Fund Symposium, which will take place March 23-24, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Boston. Crane's Bond Fund Symposium offers a concentrated and affordable educational experience, as well as an excellent networking venue, for bond fund and fixed-income professionals. After cancelling our 2020 Boston event and holding a virtual BFS in 2021, we returned to live events in March 2022 with our BFS in Newport Beach, Calif. We look forward to seeing the "cash-plus" community in person again in 2023! Registrations are now being accepted ($1,000) and sponsorship opportunities are available. We review the preliminary agenda and details below, and we also give an update on our upcoming "basic training" show, Money Fund University, which will be held next month in Boston, Dec. 15-16.

Bond Fund Symposium's Day One (3/23) morning agenda includes: Welcome to Bond Fund Symposium 2023, with Peter Crane of Crane Data; Keynote: Ultra-Shorts: Yield Is Back After Rough Year with Jerome Schneider of PIMCO and Dave Martucci of J.P. Morgan A.M.; Regulatory Update: Bond Fund Issues '23 with Jamie Gershkow of Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young and Aaron Withrow of Dechert LLP; and ETF & Near-Cash ETF Trends, with Brian McMullen of Invesco and James Palmieri of State Street Global Advisors. (Note: The agenda is still a work in progress, so let us know if you're interested in speaking or have any requests.)

The Day One afternoon agenda includes: Senior Portfolio Manager Perspectives with Joanne Driscoll of Putnam Investments Dave Rothweiler of UBS Asset Management and Morten Olsen of Northern Trust AM; Ultra-Shorts, LGIPs & Bond Fund Ratings with Peter Gargiulo of Fitch Ratings and Guyna Johnson of S&P Global; Government & ABS Sector Discussions with Sue Hill of Federated Hermes and Laura Mayfield of Fort Washington Investment Advisors; and, Major Issues in Fixed-Income Investing featuring Wells Fargo's Logan Miller as moderator, Matthew Brill of Invesco and Brett Wander of Charles Schwab. Monday will close with a reception sponsored by Wells Fargo Securities.

Day Two's agenda includes: Bond Market Strategists: Rates & Risks with Michael Cloherty of UBS, Teresa Ho of J.P. Morgan Securities and Ira Jersey of Bloomberg Intelligence; State of the Bond Fund Marketplace with Crane and Shelly Antoniewicz of the Investment Company Institute; Bond Funds in Europe & ESG Update with Henry Shilling of Sustainable Research & Analysis and David Callahan of Lombard Odier I.M.; Money Funds & Conservative Ultra-Shorts with Crane and Kerry Pope of Fidelity Investments.

Portfolio managers, analysts, investors, issuers, service providers, and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of bond funds and fixed-income investing will benefit from our comprehensive program. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hyatt Regency. We'd like to thank our past sponsors and exhibitors -- Wells Fargo Securities, Fitch Ratings, Fidelity Investments, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Allspring Global, S&P Global Ratings, DTCC, StoneX, Invesco, BofA Securities, Northern Trust, Bloomberg Intelligence, Goldman Sachs, Federated, Payden & Rygel, PIMCO and Dechert -- for their support. (We'd love to get some new ones!) E-mail us for more details.

Also, our 12th Annual Crane's Money Fund University will be held December 15-16, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Boston. Crane's Money Fund University covers the history of money funds, interest rates, regulations (Rule 2a-7), ratings, rankings, money market instruments such as commercial paper, CDs and repo, and portfolio construction and credit analysis. We also include segments on offshore money funds and ultra-short bond funds. (Note Too: Crane Data is hosting its Holiday cocktail party during MFU on Dec. 15 from 5-7pm, so please join us in Boston at the Hyatt Regency!)

New portfolio managers, analysts, investors, issuers, service providers, and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of "cash" investing should benefit from our comprehensive program. Even experienced professionals may enjoy a refresher course and the opportunity to interact with peers in an informal setting. Attendee registration for Crane's Money Fund University is just $750, exhibit space is $2,000, and sponsorship opportunities are $3K (Bronze), $4K (Silver), and $5K (Gold). A block of rooms has been reserved at the Boston Hyatt Regency.

Money Fund University's comprehensive program is good for anyone -- beginners and experienced professionals looking for a refresher -- alike. The agenda is available online and we are now accepting registrations. (We're also willing to "comp" tickets for large Crane Data or sponsor clients, so let us know if you're interested.)

We'll also soon be gearing up for our next "big show," Money Fund Symposium, which will be held June 21-23, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta. (Let us know if you'd like details on speaking or sponsoring.) Also, mark your calendars for next year's European Money Fund Symposium, which will be held Sept. 25-26, 2023, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Watch for details on these shows in coming weeks and months.

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