A press release entitled, "Treasury Awards ICD for Bringing ESG Insights to Short-Term Investments tells us, "The treasury industry recognized ICD, an independent portal provider of money market funds and other short-term investments, with a TMI magazine Treasury4Good 2020 award for Best CSR/ESG Thought Leadership Campaign. ICD's award-winning campaign brought together pioneering ESG experts and fund managers in a series of webinars to educate treasury investment managers on ESG history, standards and criteria used by fund companies for short-term investments." ICD's Justin Brimfield comments, "ESG was a hot topic in 2020 before the pandemic hit, and we believe interest will continue as the world marches toward recovery. The COVID-19 crisis has focused the world on the importance of environment, social responsibility and governance, and we don't see companies letting up on their interest in investing in ESG products in the short-term investments space." The release adds, "ICD canvassed treasury professionals at the beginning and at the end of 2020 and found interest remained constant with 32% of survey respondents saying that they foresee their organizations investing in ESG products in the next 12 months." Another release, "ICD Wins Best Portal Technology Solution 2020 for Treasury Investments," explains, "ICD, an independent portal provider of money market funds and other short-term investments, won Best Portal Technology Solution 2020 in TMI magazine's annual awards for innovation and excellence in treasury." ICD CEO Tory Hazard tells us, "This award comes at a time when technology has really proven its value as the bridge between treasury teams and the vital work they do managing cash investments.... This award represents ICD's global focus on treasury. I commend our team for listening to the market and our clients for their constant feedback on how we can improve ICD Portal to serve their ever-changing needs." (Note: Watch for more from ICD's Hazard in an upcoming "profile" in the January issue of our Money Fund Intelligence newsletter.)