As we enter May, the Treasury Management Association of New York is preparing for its annual New York Cash Exchange conference, which will take place at the New York Hilton on May 30-31. While Crane Data won't be exhibiting and our Peter Crane won't be speaking, we will be there on May 30 to attend several of the sessions involving money funds and to visit the host of money fund companies exhibiting. The agenda includes the following cash investing-related sessions: Seeking to Optimize Corporate Liquidity featuring Fidelity Investments' Michael Morin; Building for the Future: Cash Investment Ideas in an Ever Changing World, featuring Estee Lauder's Paul Baranello, MasterCard's Devin Dadigan, and BlackRock's Kevin Fitzgerald and Frank Gianatasio; and Comparing New Investment Alternatives: Products and Strategies, featuring Treasury Strategies' Tony Carfang and Fitch Ratings' Ian Rasmussen. If we don't see you at the New York Cash Exchange, we'll also be attending the SIFMA Ops Conference AMA Roundtable in Phoenix next week (May 7-8) and the ICI General Membership Meeting in Washington on May 23. Finally, we hope you'll join us in Pittsburgh in late June for our upcoming Money Fund Symposium (June 25-27)!