We'd like to remind those planning on attending Crane's Money Fund Symposium June 25-27 in Pittsburgh to register and make hotel reservations soon. Money Fund Symposium is the largest gathering of money market fund managers and cash investors in the world. This year's show will take place June 25-27, 2018 at The Westin Convention Center, in Pittsburgh, Pa. (See here for latest agenda.) Our previous MFS in Atlanta attracted over 550 attendees, and we expect another robust turnout for our 10th annual event in Pittsburgh this summer. Money Fund Symposium attracts money fund managers, marketers and servicers, cash investors, money market securities dealers, issuers, and regulators. Visit the MF Symposium website at www.moneyfundsymposium.com for more details. Registration is $750, and discounted hotel reservations are available (for now). Finally, mark your calendars for Crane's 6th annual "offshore" money fund event, European Money Fund Symposium, which will be held in London, England, September 20-21, 2018. This website (www.euromfs.com) will be updated with the 2018 information soon. (Contact us to inquire about sponsoring or speaking.) Our next Money Fund University "basic training" event is also tentatively scheduled for Jan. 24-25, 2019, in Stamford, Conn, and our 2019 Bond Fund Symposium is tentatively scheduled for March 21-22 in Philadelphia. Watch www.cranedata.com for more details on these events, and please let us know if you have any questions or feedback on our growing conference business. Note: Crane Data Subscribers have access to all our conference binder materials, including Powerpoints, recordings and attendee lists. See the bottom of our "Content Center" for a listing of available conference materials.