The Association for Financial Professionals, or AFP, host a webinar this afternoon to go over the results of its 2015 AFP Liquidity Survey. The "2015 Liquidity Survey Companion Webinar" will take place Thursday, August 6, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. EDT. (The webinar is free to AFP Members and $50 for Non-Members.) Speakers include: AFP's Thomas Hunt, State Street Global Advisors' Matt Steinaway, Crane Data's Peter Crane, and Great Plains Energy's Jim Gilligan. The webinar description says, "Treasury professionals continue to be optimistic but cautious with their organizations' short-term cash and investment holdings. The 2015 Liquidity Survey shows that bank deposits are at an all-time high in terms of investment allocation in operating cash portfolios. Regulations such as Basel III and 2a7 Money Fund Reform will be impacting cash investments over the next couple of years. Come and hear from industry experts on highlights from the 2015 Liquidity Survey along with practical tips for updating your investment policy statement ahead of these regulations changes and allocating short term investments considerations that fit within your investment parameters." The webinar's learning objectives include: "Understand the liquidity issues facing corporates, and what reasons there are to be optimistic and what risk corporates should keep in mind; Walk away with clear ideas about how corporates can manage short term investments in light of recent regulatory changes." Click here to register. In other news, Bloomberg posted an article, "The Fed's New Repo Tool Could Affect Millions of U.S. Home Loans." It reads, "RRP. IOER. MBS. EEK! The alphabet soup of financial acronyms is about to get more crowded with the expansion of the Fed's overnight reverse repo agreements (known as overnight RRPs).... Enter the RRPs. Years of quantitative easing have left the Federal Reserve with a $4.5 trillion balance sheet. Once the central bank begins to raise interest rates, it plans to use the overnight RRPs to drain the extra cash sloshing around the financial system by lending out (or repo-ing) of some of the U.S. Treasuries it holds on its balance sheet. It's a new venture for the Fed, as the so-called repo market has remained the purview of banks, money market funds, and investment managers for many, many years."