The May issue of Crane Data's Money Fund Intelligence newsletter was e-mailed to subscribers this morning. It features the articles: "Crane Data Celebrates 7th Year; Wait for Regs Goes On," which talks about our latest birthday and possibly pending regulations; "Dreyfus Still Roaring at 40 Years; Cardona & Larkin," which interviews two money fund industry veterans; and, "ICI's 2013 Fact Book Analyzes MMF Trends," which excerpts from the Institute's latest research. We've also updated our Money Fund Wisdom database query system with April 30, 2013, performance statistics and rankings, and our MFI XLS was sent out earlier this a.m. Our April 30 Money Fund Portfolio Holdings are scheduled to go out on Thursday, May 9. Note that we've also announced the agenda for our new European Money Fund Symposium, which will take place Sept. 24-25 in Dublin, and we're entering the home-stretch for our Crane's Money Fund Symposium, which will be held June 19-21, 2013, in Baltimore, Md. Registrations ($750). We urge attendees to book Symposium hotel reservations soon (our block is almost sold out) via our website at

Our 7th Anniversary piece says, "Crane Data, the publisher of Money Fund Intelligence, celebrates its 7th birthday this month. As we've done in many of our past May issues, we'd like to take some time here to review our progress and update you on our efforts. We also review the latest regulatory reform news below. Crane Data was launched in May 2006 by money fund expert Peter Crane and technology guru Shaun Cutts to bring affordable and more accessible information to the money fund space. We began with our MFI newsletter and have grown to offer a full product range of daily and monthly spreadsheets, database query systems and reports on U.S. and "offshore" money funds, as well as other cash investments."

It adds that "Conferences are Now a Major Business <b:>`_," explaining, "Crane has also become the leader in the money fund conference business. Our 5th annual Money Fund Symposium will take place in Baltimore, June 19-21, and we again expect well over 400 attendees. We're also launching our third event this year, Crane's European Money Fund Symposium, which will take place in Dublin at the Conrad Hotel on Sept. 24-​25, 2013, and will feature many of the world'​s foremost experts on "​offshore" money market mutual funds."

MFI writes in its monthly "profile," "For our May issue, MFI interviews Charles Cardona, Chief Executive Officer of BNY Mellon Cash Investment Strategies (CIS) and President of The Dreyfus Corporation, and Patricia Larkin, CIO of the Dreyfus CIS Money Market Mutual Funds. The two joined Dreyfus in the early 1980's. Dreyfus, which launched its flagship retail fund, Dreyfus Liquid Assets, in early 1974, is approaching its 40th birthday in the money fund business. We discuss the company's history, current events, and a number of money fund related issues below."

The article on ICI's Fact Book explains, "The Investment Company Institute published its "2013 Investment Company Fact Book: A Review of Trends and Activities in the U.​S. Investment Company Industry" last week. The fact-filled work writes on the "Demand for Money Market Funds," "In contrast to the sizable outflows in the previous three years, money market funds experienced only a small aggregate net outflow of $336 million for 2012. This likely was the result of fiscal cliff uncertainties near year-​end. In the 10 months prior to the presidential election, money market funds had outflows of $​145 billion, a somewhat faster pace than in 2011. Some of the factors that limited inflows to money market funds in 2011 -- the low short-​term interest rate environment, lingering concern about the creditworthiness of some European financial institutions, and unlimited deposit insurance on non-​interest-​bearing checking accounts -- continued into and throughout 2012."

See the latest issue and future excerpts for more, or contact us to request the latest issue.

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