A publication entitled, "European Voice," features the opinion piece, "Money-market resistance", written by Harvard Law Professor Mark Roe. He says, "The power of concerted lobbying was again in evidence recently when the US rejected rules that would have made the money markets safer. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently rejected proposed rules [sic] aimed at making money-market funds safer in a financial crisis -- a rejection that has caused consternation among observers and other regulators. Given the risks that money-market funds can pose to the global financial system, as shown by their destabilising role in the 2008 financial crisis, it is not hard to see why they are worried.... Other regulators were watching -- as were academics and journalists -- and some regulators may now feel compelled to take over the money-market safety rules from the SEC or push the SEC back into action. With no one having a direct financial interest in the outcome pressing an alternative view, the SEC's initial decision was as predictable as it was bad."