We're happy to annouce our third annual Crane's Money Fund University, which will be held January 24-25, 2013, at The Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. The preliminary agenda for our "basic training" event is now online (and available in PDF) and the MFU website (www.moneyfunduniversity.com) is live and taking registrations. Money Fund University will offer attendees an affordable and comprehensive day-and-a-half, "basic training" course on money market mutual funds. We cover the history of money funds, interest rates, Rule 2a-7, ratings, rankings, money market instruments such as commercial paper and repo, and portfolio construction and credit analysis. New portfolio managers, analysts, investors, issuers, service providers, and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of "cash" investing will benefit from our comprehensive program. Even experienced professionals can enjoy a refresher course and the opportunity to interact with peers in an informal setting. Last year's University in Boston attracted over 110 speakers, sponsors and attendees, and we expect an even a stronger showing in 2013. Attendee registration for Crane's Money Fund University is (again) $500. Exhibit space is $2,000 and sponsorship opportunities are $3K, $4.5K, and $5K, respectively. Note that our next big show, Crane's Money Fund Symposium, is scheduled for June 19-21, 2013 in Baltimore. Watch for details and the preliminary agenda to be posted this fall, and feel free to contact us for more information on either show.