A press release entitled, "Treasury Strategies and ICI to Discuss Treasurers' Reaction to Possible Money Market Fund Reforms" says, "A new report, "Money Market Fund Regulations: The Voice of the Treasurer," examines corporate treasurers' views and likely reaction to three concepts being pursued by the Securities and Exchange Commission to change the fundamental nature of money market funds. The ICI commissioned Treasury Strategies to study treasurers' response to three concepts -- floating net asset value, redemption holdback, and a capital buffer. Treasury Strategies, Inc., the leading consulting firm in the area of treasury, payments and liquidity management, will unveil its findings in a webinar with members of the media. The presentation begins at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Cathy Gregg, Partner at Treasury Strategies, will lead the review of key study findings. ICI Chief Economist Brian Reid will also provide insights related to policy issues." The Conference call will be Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. EDT. To join, click here. The U.S. dial-in number is 1-877-668-4493, the guest access code is: 663 671 310 and the password is: voice. A participant number is provided upon login to webinar.