Treasury Strategies writes "Corporations Pouring Money Into Banks" in recent press release. The statement says, "A desire for safety and liquidity led corporations to direct nearly $1.3 trillion into bank deposit and sweep vehicles in 2010, an 8.9% increase over last year, according to the 20th annual U.S. Deposit & Sweep Survey conducted by Treasury Strategies, Inc.... Expansive monetary policy, low interest rates and risk concerns led to the growth in commercial bank deposits, despite a decline in sweep balances. Below are several key survey conclusions: Deposits are on the rise across banks -- Commercial DDA balances grew significantly to $603 billion, a 14% increase. However, the value of bank deposits is at risk given excess liquidity and low interest rates.... Sweep accounts continue to decline at about 27% year-over-year -- Due to low rates, many corporates shut off sweeps and redirected those balances to deposit accounts." The survey also says, "Corporate cash levels broke the $6T level, reflecting recessionary pressures, expansive monetary policy and corporate liquidity concerns.... With less confidence in access to bank credit, many firms sought to increase cash balances on hand."