A press release posted on Nasdaq.com says, "Fitch Ratings has released a primer for investors on European Money Market Funds (MMFs) which provides clear and key insights into the EUR1.3trn sector, as well as explaining how different funds operate and the risks they present among other factors. The primer, which is presented in an easy-to-navigate question and answer format, aims to answer investors' questions about money market funds, such as who bears the risks, the differences between MMFs and other cash instruments, and which risks are embedded in such funds among other pointers. In addition, Fitch provides additional information explaining how the agency rates money market funds, and on its new MMF rating scale introduced in October 2009." Aymeric Poizot, head of Fitch Ratings EMEA Fund and Asset Manager Ratings group says, "Fitch provides MMF ratings to help investors compare between funds and distinguish between true/traditional money market funds and so-called liquidity plus or enhanced cash funds whose risk profiles may be more akin to short-term bond funds.