More postings were listed recently on the SEC's "Comments on Proposed Rule: Money Market Fund Reform" website. These include a Dec. 18 meeting of Federated with Commissioner Walter and a Dec. 15 Goldman Sachs meeting with the Office of the Chairman. The Federated posting says, "On December 18, 2009, Commissioner Walter, along with Christian Broadbent and Brian Murphy of Commissioner Walter's office, met regarding the above-referenced proposal with John McGonigle and Deborah Cunningham of Federated, and Stephen Keen of Reed Smith." The latest Goldman letter says, "On December 15, 2009, Timothy O'Neill, James McNamara, James McCarthy, David Fishman and Peter Bonanno of Goldman Sachs and Annette Nazareth of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP met with the following SEC representatives: Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman; Andrew J. Donohue, Director, Division of Investment Management; and Jennifer B. McHugh, Senior Advisor to the Chairman.... In particular, the Goldman Sachs representatives discussed their support for prohibiting money market funds from acquiring second-tier securities; the practical challenges of redeeming large shareholders in-kind rather than in cash; the impact of proposals to differentiate institutional from retail money market funds; their objection to floating net asset values and disclosure of shadow net asset values; and their support of weighted average life restrictions.