Word Index

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abil ability to customize their investment strategy. Many investors need to tailor their strategy specifically to the type
abl able to get a broad list of diversified issuers but it s slightly more challenging
account accounts In the short duration separate account space the defining characteristic for clients is the ability
afford affords managers greater flexibility in the credit and securitized sectors as well as the ability
agenda cs6f and here for the conference agenda www.cranemfsymposium.com agenda cjg9 . See you next month in Minneapolis
alloc allocation is primarily made up of banks and asset backed commercial paper you get a much
alreadi already our discounted room rate expires today When you move out to the 3 and 5 year
also also wanted to remind those planning on attending Crane s Money Fund Symposium www.moneyfundsymposium.com June
amount amount of issuance in the 3 and the 5 year sectors so that is generally
appear appeared in the May issue of our new Bond Fund Intelligence publication. We interviewed Goldman
approxim approximately 2 years. This affords managers greater flexibility in the credit and securitized sectors as well
area area where most short duration funds will invest specifically in the credit markets. Note We also
articl article Goldman s Money in Motion Short Opportunities which originally appeared in the May issue
asset Asset Management s John Olivo . See yesterday s News for Part I. Can you tell
associ associated with a longer duration strategy. Thus many invest in a one to three year
attend attending Crane s Money Fund Symposium www.moneyfundsymposium.com June 24 26 in Minneapolis to make hotel
attract attractiveness of the US Treasury curve vs. other interest rate curves globally. It s difficult
back backed commercial paper you get a much broader set of issuers in the 3 and 5 year
bank banks and asset backed commercial paper you get a much broader set of issuers in the 3 and 5 year
bank banks and asset backed commercial paper you get a much broader set of issuers in the 3 and 5 year
base base rate reaches is likely to be data driven. Clearly inflation will be the biggest
basi basis point hikes every other meeting . We believe the ultimate place the base rate reaches
bbb BBB space. That said GSAM also manages strategies that focus more on A and above
begin begin raising rates in September starting a tightening cycle where you could see 25 basis
believ believe the ultimate place the base rate reaches is likely to be data driven. Clearly
benefit benefits you receive is much broader issuer diversification . You see the industrials issue a meaningful
bfi BFI for the full interview. Finally we again wanted to remind those planning on attending
big big part of an investor s cash management solution . See our latest BFI for the full
big big part of an investor s cash management solution . See our latest BFI for the full
biggest biggest risk toward the Fed maintaining tightening or pushing out the start of the tightening
bond Bond Fund Intelligence publication. We interviewed Goldman Sachs Asset Management s John Olivo . See yesterday
broad broad list of diversified issuers but it s slightly more challenging. What about strategies in separate
broader broader issuer diversification . You see the industrials issue a meaningful amount of supply in that
brought brought back onshore. With the high price of liquidity many multinationals do not need overnight